Welcome to Baginton Village Website
Here you can find information about Baginton, including Attractions, Local Businesses and Services, Clubs and Groups, and the Parish Council
You can view the Events taking place in the village as well as having access to the Baginton Village Newsletter and see the latest news
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To advertise in the Newsletter email bagintonnews@btinternet.com
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Baginton Village Hall Booking Page
or choose from all the pages available for the Village Hall on the menu above
Directory of Information
The Directory of Information contains information and contact details of people, businesses and services in the area, including telephone numbers of various regional and national organisations that can be useful in an emergency. Most of the entries have Hyperlinks to webpages that will allow you to view additional information relating to the specific item listed
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There is a public access automated external defibrillator in Baginton at Baginton Village Hall, Frances Road, CV8 3AB
The instruction sheet provided with the AED shows how it is used in an emergency.
There are also other defribrillators at business premises within Baginton that the emergency services will direct you to if they are closer and accessible at the time of the emergency.
Latest News
The number 13 bus service now has some buses that run between SEGRO park and Coventry Hales Street via Willenhall and Brandon Road with a stop close to Baginton by the Coventry airport west gate on Orchard Way. The timetable for the 13 service shows the specific times that the bus runs to Segro Park rather than terminating in Willenhall. It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a half hourly service between 5.15am and 10.20am and from 1.20pm until 10.45pm with a less frequent service overnight.
More details on buses serving Baginton can be found in the Amenities section of this website under Services & Information.
Baginton Village Hall Warm Hub Café opens every Tuesday morning from 10am to midday offering free teas and coffees. Everyone is welcome to enjoy free hot drinks, a sit down and a chat in a warm place. Meet old friends and make new ones. All ages welcome. In June 2023, they became a permanent Warm Hub and in April 2024, following an inspection by Warwick District Council, they were awarded a food hygiene rating of 5.
Warwickshire services, including Councils, Police and the NHS, are working together to help people find the information they need to stay safe, keep warm and be well this winter. There is information about Energy bills and winter fuel support, Food support, Housing and homelessness, Finance, Mental health and wellbeing and Warm hubs. Advice can be accessed by visiting their Cost of Living webpage or calling their support line 0800 408 1449