Our Village Service is led by members of our congregation and is a “Service of the Word”. It follows a regular format which provides the opportunity for lay people to lead fellow church members in worshipping God using an approved format. This includes prayers, hymns, readings from Holy Scripture, a talk and an authorised creed stating our beliefs. Towards the end of this service we are joined by the Sunday school who share with us their learning for that session.
Sidesmen and Sideswomen
At our church we like to extend a warm welcome to everyone joining us for worship at Sunday services. Each year volunteers are authorised to undertake this important job which includes preparing the church for worship, welcoming people to the services, taking the collection and conducting people to take communion.
Servers and Chalice Bearers
A small team of members of our congregation are licensed by the bishop and trained to assist at the altar and to help serve the wine during communion services.
Readers and Intercessors
Many members of our church are regularly involved in leading worship either by reading from the Bible or as intercessors who lead the congregation in prayer. Preparing and leading the prayers is an important part of all our services and guidance is available. New volunteers for both roles are always welcome.
The Choir
Our organist chooses the music and manages the choir who lead the singing during church services. We are always looking for new talent to join our established choir and like to learn new hymns to enhance our worship.
Bell Ringing
Although we have only two bells they are rung regularly to call people to worship and to celebrate after weddings.
After most services we finish our time of worship in fellowship over a cup of tea or coffee when we enjoy the opportunity to have a chat.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School meets on the first Sunday of each month during our Village Service. It is led by Mrs Catherine Weston who provides interesting activities for the children related to the theme of the adult service.
Regular Services
The first Sunday of the month: 10.00am United Service* / Village Service
The second Sunday of the month: 4.00pm Family Service
The third Sunday of the month: 10.00am Holy Communion
The fourth Sunday of the month: 10.00am Celtic Service
The fifth Sunday of the month: 10.00am Village Service
Extra services also take place to celebrate the principal feast days of the Church’s calendar as well as our patronal feasts.
*On the first Sunday of each month the parishes in our benefice come together to celebrate a united Holy Communion. Each of our churches take it in turns to host this service.
Contact Details for the church: -
Reverend Petrica Bistran 07572 193260 or email revpbistran@gmail.com
Churchwardens – Dawn Richardson 024 7630 2667 and Catherine Weston 024 7767 6157
Please note that the church cannot be contacted using the contact form on this website.